Recent Blog Postings
October 8, 2021 Update
Hello Music Lovers.
I know it’s been some time, but there’s something on my mind. That is a lyric from Where Do Broken Hearts Go by Whitney Houston. It helps me get started on this long overdue update on Rhonda Apple and Dale Britt.
First, we are incredibly grateful to all our listeners and fans who supported us for over twenty years. Second, we are alive and kicking, despite the pandemic and the new normal. Third, we are no longer playing music regularly together, or seeking gigs, and we are okay with that.
Dale considers himself retired from playing piano, but would gladly jump at the invitation to do any jazz trio gig. Dale has posted NUMEROUS videos on his YouTube channel, Dale Britt Music and Jazz. Visit his … [read article]
12/17/19 Update
Hello Music Lovers!
I hope you are enjoying the holiday season. By that I hope you are NOT stressing over details that are inconsequential, and rather are striving to be PRESENT, as Joe Holt says. Let’s be in the moment, expressing grace to all we meet and pass and work with and live with.
I write to you on a cold and wet December night when I should be getting to bed. Yet here I am suddenly inspired to compose a long overdue newsletter. Poor timing, but at least it will get started, even if I finish it later.
As I type I’m listening to a Facebook live video of one of my favorite piano players in the Mid-Atlantic region: Dean Schneider. If you love jazz piano you should look him up on Facebook, or at the Merion Inn in Cape May, NJ. He plays in … [read article]
April 17, 2019 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
With springtime, Easter and chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs come gig bookings and the need for another update on Apple & Britt. Seriously, we received the majority of our summer bookings (thus far) in just the past few days. Moreover, I just picked up my order of the Easter-inspired, chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs after work today. It’s supposed to be a fundraiser for the women’s group at my church, but I don’t take orders. I just buy a bunch and enjoy giving them away to co-workers, friends and family.
Dale and I spent the whole winter not knowing what our summer schedule would look like, wondering if our days of gigging were over, but trusting in Providence. You must understand, I keep busy year-round … [read article]
June 7, 2018
Hello Music Lovers.
Spring has sprung and summer is just around the corner, and Apple & Britt are ready to sing all about it this weekend. Yes! This Saturday, June 9 th , there was a cancellation at The Globe Restaurant and Bar in Berlin, MD, and Apple & Britt were asked to fill the spot! 7 to 10pm we will serenade you as you dine on delicious food and drink at this local’s favorite. Supporting us means supporting the local restauranteurs who host us, so please be sure to make your reservations with those thoughts in mind.
Phone: 410-641-0784
12 Broad Street , Berlin, Maryland 21811
Apple & Britt will be at The Globe again on Saturday, August 18 th … [read article]
Stay tuned for exact dates because Apple & Britt have been asked to play this summer at a club in Rehoboth Beach, DE, called The Vineyard Wine Bar and Bistro on Wilmington Ave.
We anticipate starting in June, doing every other weekend, Fridays and Saturdays.
is their website.
They have a nice Facebook page, as well.
A big thank you to all who have reached out to us for our schedule.
Keep your eyes on this website and our Apple & Britt Facebook page for the latest news you can use.
Rhonda … [read article]
Hello Music Lovers,
Spring 2018 looks very different for Apple and Britt than it has in 18 years. We have enjoyed playing pretty steady up until now. Adolfo’s on the Ocean decided to close their business Dec. 21, 2017 due to the hefty rent increase for the space in the Beach Plaza Hotel. So, Dale and I no longer have our Piano Bar gig. When I drove past the hotel a couple weeks ago it did not look like any new restaurant had leased the space, and the Beach Plaza’s website only mentions the casual eater on the ground floor.
We enjoyed our “premier” performance at The Globe in Berlin, MD, on Sat. April 7 th . You can hear/watch samples on Dale’s YouTube channel:
We also had a full house … [read article]
Hello Music Lovers!
An Apple & Britt newsletter is way past due, and I apologize for that. Time passes quickly, especially when you are employed with a day job and have several other weekly commitments YEAR ROUND. (That would be me, Rhonda, and not Dale.)
We are grateful for a steady gig in a perfect venue for what we do. However, due to slow business in years prior, Adolfo’s was forced to push back our start date for this year until Sat. May 27 th . We will have the following two weeks off, again due to slow business in years prior. Then we will begin working Fridays and Saturdays for the summer starting June 16 th . I just finished posting all those gigs on our website under the Appearances tab. I am happy to announce that this will be our sixth year to work for Kim … [read article]
Sept. 20, 2016 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
It’s hard to see another summer season get put in the history books. It happens every September but it never gets easier. I hope you are well and enjoying the last few warm days before Autumn rushes in. I was blessed to go out on Dale’s jet skis with my daughter this summer! That was a beautiful day of fun memories.
Apple & Britt played every Friday and Saturday night at Adolfo’s on the Ocean in the Beach Plaza for the fifth summer in a row, sometimes to enthusiastic listeners and sometimes to just a few relaxed souls who were soaking up the music and ocean views as long as they could. David and Kimberly Griffin, the owners of Adolfo’s, work very hard to make their customers. Apple & Britt … [read article]
November 1, 2015
Hello Music Lovers,
It’s “Autumn in New York” and on Delmarva. Did you bring out your warm sweaters and boots yet? I know I am a bit slow at getting around to composing newsletters, but that is because I want to be sure to include as many details as possible. So, forgive me, and read on.
Our website is the place to go when you need to plan a trip to Ocean City to hear us play, or when you need to know our availability for bookings. Or you can email me through the website’s Contact Us page to ask a question. Our Facebook page, Apple & Britt, is another good source of information with posts about recent gigs and schedule changes. We have posted a few videos of us on the job. Be sure to “like” our page, and feel free … [read article]
"All This Love" at Adolfo's on Sept. 5, 2015
Copy and paste the link below to hear Apple & Britt performing live at Adolfo's on the Ocean on Sat. Sept. 5, 2015. The song is by Debarge from 1984, called "All This Love". Enjoy!
https://www.facebook.com/100008165795531/videos/1634647396817438/ … [read article]
April 12, 2015 Update
Hello Music Lovers! Are you enjoying the spring flowers and warmer temps as much as I am? I know the pollen causes havoc for allergy sufferers, but thankfully, it usually doesn’t bother me much, leaving me to thoroughly take pleasure in the radiance of colors bursting forth while donning fewer layers during my daily dog walks. Apple & Britt had the winter off, with the exception of Valentine’s Day weekend at Adolfo’s on the Ocean. Our regular Friday nights will begin again April 24 th , 2015. Dale Britt will play solo piano at Adolfo’s until Memorial Day weekend, when Rhonda Apple will join him on vocals. We will play Sunday, July 5 th , instead of Saturday, July 4 th , due to the extreme traffic and lack of … [read article]
"Round Midnight" recorded at Adolfo's Nov. 2014
Post by Rhonda Apple .
[read article]
Sept. 22, 2014 Update
Hello Music Lovers!
Forgive me for taking so long to compose and post a new update. I knew it was long past due when I was recently asked by a loyal follower if his email address had been accidentally deleted from my list. No, I was remiss. I knew further it was time to write a newsletter when I received Joe Holt’s update. He is like me in that he doesn’t send out many updates. You may remember that Joe Holt plays for Shore Jazz, accompanies vocalists, like Beth McDonald, and also plays piano solo in Chestertown, MD weekly. I was blessed to have Joe fill in for Dale twice last January while Dale was in Hawaii. I look forward to working with Joe in the future, when Dale and his wife go on vacation … [read article]
March 8, 2014 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
Today’s beautiful weather had my crocuses blooming and my windows open while I cleaned my floors. Classic, just like the songs I sing with Dale Britt. We have been working together for 16 years now. Our songlist has swollen to nearly 700 songs for your requesting pleasure. We are currently working solely at Adolfo’s Italian Restaurant in the Beach Plaza Hotel at 13 th street and the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. Every Friday night is Date Night with a special Date Night menu and us at the piano bar making the ambiance romantic and classy. Our Fridays at Adolfo’s are year round now. Starting Memorial Day weekend we will add Saturdays to that. If you or someone you love enjoys … [read article]
July 5, 2013
Hello Music Lovers,
This summer is working its magic on the plants and the local economy. After an abundance of rain everything is green and Ocean City, Maryland is in high gear. Apple & Britt are happy to be performing every Friday and Saturday at Adolfo’s Italian Restaurant, 7 to 11pm, at the piano bar. Adolfo’s used to be in a little, old house at the inlet, but since April of 2012 it has relocated to the restaurant space of the Beach Plaza Hotel, 13 th street and the boardwalk. The owners, Kimberly and David Griffin, are delighted to now have parking and a gorgeous ocean view to offer their customers. As always, the rocking chairs on the veranda of the Beach Plaza are inviting you to sit and watch the people go by … [read article]
May 1, 2013
Hello Apple & Britt Fans,
Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. I hope you are planning on coming to one or more of our many gigs. We may not be playing five nights a week anymore, but our one or two nights a week are very important to us and more satisfying now. Your presence and participation are vital to this musical duo and the restaurants who hire us. Show your support for non-Rock & Roll live music. Jimmy Buffet is great, but we are one of the very few acts who play for those who want something more, something different, something more refined. Jimmy Buffet and Rock & Roll can be heard everywhere, and there’s a time and place for that kind of entertainment. However, Apple & Britt … [read article]
September 8, 2012 Update for Apple & Britt Hello Music Lovers, Last night at the gig, Harry Clayville, one of our fans, pointed out to me that I had been slacking on my newsletter writing duties. So, I decided it was about time I sucked up and got down to the business of informing you all of the happenings of Apple & Britt.
We had a wonderful summer, full of gigs at the Restaurant at Lighthouse Sound, and Friday nights at Adolfo’s Italian restaurant in Ocean City, Maryland. Adolfo’s is in the (Phillip’s) Beach Plaza hotel at 13th Street and the Boardwalk, and we are glad to see many of our regular guests rediscovering us after not being at that location last year. The hotel looks very nice, if you haven’t seen the renovations. We enjoy the … [read article]
April 2, 2012 Hello Music Lovers, Spring is here, and with it Apple & Britt have a new venue to play......well, sort of. It’s the renovated Beach Plaza hotel with a new restaurant, Adolfo’s. Here’s the deal: Adolfo’s owners, Kimberly and David Griffin, have signed a five year lease with the Beach Plaza hotel for the restaurant space. This Wednesday, April 4th, is their grand opening, and they’ve asked us to play for them at the piano bar from 6 to 10pm. Kim likes things “old school,” so Dale will be playing the piano, and not the electric keyboard, bass pedals, or drum machine. Come join the fun as the Griffins “move on up” to the Beach Plaza.
Adolfo’s has long been a local favorite for Italian food prepared with … [read article]
Hello Music Lovers,
Happy 2012! I hope this year brings you all joy and success in your endeavors!
It will be a good year for Apple & Britt because we have every reason to believe we will be working at least 1 or 2 nights a week. Yes, we are fine with that and really have no desire to work full-time ever again.
2011 brought us the big change of going very part-time, and we actually enjoyed that very much. Playing at the Lighthouse Sound feels very warm and cozy to us. We feel appreciated by the staff, and there’s a lot to be said by that. We were delighted to see their entire restaurant and bar FULL last Saturday, New Years Eve. Today we got a call inviting us to play Saturday, January 7, the 14th, and February 11 and 18th. We were already booked there for Valentine’s … [read article]
Oct. 10, 2011 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
As I walk my dog, basking in Indian Summer’s caress, I am grateful for the change of seasons. When I lived in Florida I missed that. True, I had a healthy, prolific and delicious grapefruit tree in my back yard, which I enjoyed watching my little girl climb. But coming back to Delmarva 13 years ago was right for me and my family. I enjoy being near my husband’s family and the weather here, but I mostly am grateful for meeting an amazing jazz pianist. Dale Britt was looking for a vocalist, and had become a bit bored with playing solo at Phillips Beach Plaza. We’ve been working together for 13 years now. Our gigs have decreased in number, and that’s okay. Considering how hard our country and the world have been hit economically, it’s a … [read article]
August 30, 2011 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
I hope you had a wonderful summer and that Hurricane Irene did not impact you too much. We never lost power here, although we made about 20 pounds of ice just in case (which I still need to get out of my freezer.) Alas, we needed the six inches of rain anyway.
Our gigs at the Lighthouse Sound have been very nice! We are well-received by guests, the management and employees. Also, they like the volume low, which pleases me just fine. I’ve enjoyed watching the Ocean City skyline over the Assawoman Bay at sunset. The staff is attentive, and the food is upscale and worth every penny. We play in the dining room SOME Thursdays and SOME Saturdays. Our next gigs there are the first three Thursdays in September. We also have two Saturdays … [read article]
Lighthouse Sound is our new "home" for this summer season
June 6, 2011 Update
Hello Music Lovers!
We are looking forward to a new, lighter workload this summer season.
We are hoping for more gigs to come through in Rehoboth but have been blessed at the Restaurant at Lighthouse Sound with 17 bookings!
Apple and Britt have been booked to work various Thursdays and Saturday throughout the summer beginning June 30th.
Also, July 2nd, 7th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 30th,
August 4, 13th and 18th,
September 1st, 8th and 15th,
October 15th and 29th,
and November 12th and 26th.
We hope to see you all at some point at Lighthouse Sound. It is a lovely location with a great view of the North Ocean City skyline and Assawoman Bay. Although NOT inexpensive, the food is delicious and the service is attentive and personable. You deserve to … [read article]
May 20, 2011 Update for Apple and Britt
May 20, 2011 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
I have news for you. Because Phillips Beach Plaza has undergone such huge changes, including dropping the Phillips name, changing the restaurant to Bomora and letting Dale and I go, we have had to go look for work. Times are hard, we are late in the game and there are not many gigs to be had. This is made easier by the fact that Dale's daughter is getting married June 4th (BIG wedding), his wife is retiring from teaching and wanting to travel WITH Dale and my daughter is graduating from high school. We're both kind of grateful for this time off, to be honest. However, we still want to perform together. So to keep our hand in the game we visited a few clubs this week in search of future gigs. And we got two, which could lead to more at … [read article]
April 4, 2011 Update
Hello Music Lovers,
Spring is here, according to the forsythia and daffodils. The winds of March are tearing it up outside my window today. I have news about Phillips Beach Plaza. The word is that they want to make a change and that probably will not include Apple and Britt at the piano bar. The grand piano is still there, however many changes have already been made to the Beach Plaza. The restaurant has a new name, new carpet and colors on the walls---much like a boutique hotel. The small lawn in front of the hotel is now a patio with tables and chairs for dining and drinks. The front porch will have the beloved rocking chairs, as well as sitting areas with couches for drinks and tapas. A new, Bose sound system has been installed with four different … [read article]
Hello Music Lovers and Happy 2011!
Dale and I rang in the new year last night in high style at the Atlantic Hotel in Berlin. A shout out to Hal and his crew, as well as the Brodskys! With Berlin’s first ever “New Year’s Ball Drop” happening right outside the front doors it was quite the busy scene for a few hours. They had hot chocolate, cider and horse-drawn buggy rides around the downtown area to complete the festive mood. It was all very nice.
Less than two weeks away from today is our first ever performance at the famed Avalon Theatre in Easton, Maryland. www.avalontheatre.com We’re playing in the intimate Stoltz Listening Room upstairs, which houses a mere 60 guests and offers beer and wine. Thursday, January 13, 2011, is the date, and 8pm is the start time. We’ll be … [read article]
November 20, 2010 Update
Hello Music Lovers! Happy Thanksgiving! Dale and I are thankful for loyal fans like you who support our love of music and performance!
Tonight we are playing again at the luxurious Intercontinental Harbor Court hotel in downtown Baltimore. www.harborcourt.com It overlooks the Inner Harbor and is the only 5 star hotel in Baltimore. We love playing this gig! The walls and ceiling in the Explorers Lounge are painted with murals that keep me interested each time we’re there. The sofas, overstuffed chairs and fine furnishings make me feel pampered. The delicious Chef Salad has me salivating while we travel for two hours to arrive. The Harbor Court offers valet parking, or there is parking available along the street and in nearby parking garages. We’ve … [read article]
Tuesday, August 5, 2003
Well, Folks, Here it is! I can scarcely believe it myself. I wish they (CD Baby Web page designers) had put the sample songs that I had requested. Oh well. They do more of this kind of thing than I do. I'm sure there was a good reason. Still, I wanted to share a sample of "Peel Me A Grape" and "Dirty Old Man Magnet." Although, they are much better when heard live and in person. :P
Check it out! www.cdbaby.com/group/applebritt/
Buy a CD if'n you wanna!
Thanks for your time.
Rhonda … [read article]
Where to go for a late night bite to eat
When Dale and I get off work we are usually hungry. When we want a rare roast beef sandwich that is packed with flavor we head to Seaside Deli up on 74th Street and Coastal highway! Their sign is flashy--you can't miss it, just south of Big Pecker's. All their sandwiches and salads are excellent, really. We will drive all the way up there for monstrous B.L.T.'s and delicious turkey and chicken salad sandwiches. Another thing I like about this deli is their plethora of beverage choices! They have all kinds of fancy sodas that peak my interest. And, if I want something sweet to eat they offer slices of Smith Island cakes and other homemade desserts. They are open year round, too! … [read article]
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